How to Fix Cracked Rubber Boots in 6 Easy Steps

If you have a pair of rubber boots that you use for work, gardening, fishing, or hunting, you know how much they protect your feet.

Rubber boots are relatively sturdy and durable since rubber does not degrade quickly.

However, rubber boots can sometimes split or crack due to constant wear and tear.

These boots can sometimes be extremely costly, so you may not want to throw them out just yet.

So, what can you do?

Before throwing them out or rushing to grab a new pair, try the simple fixes explained in this article.

Let’s jump right into learning how to fix cracked rubber boots.

How to Repair Rubber Boots

Fixing Cracks in Rubber Boots

This method does not require any fancy items, all you need are some basic tools and materials.

Things you’ll need:

  • Warm Soapy water
  • Clean cloth
  • Painter’s tape
  • Fine-grain sandpaper
  • Gloves
  • Paper
  • Stick or brush
  • Urethane adhesive


  1. Clean the exterior of the boots using warm soapy water.
  2. Use a clean cloth to dry them completely.
  3. Identify the cracks under boots that need patching and place painter’s tape around them. The painter’s tape helps to protect the other areas of the boot from getting smudged while fixing.
  4. Gently sand any areas with holes or cracks that require gluing.
  5. Place the paper on the inside of the boot to stop excess glue from seeping through. It’ll also protect the inner lining of the boots.
  6. Apply the adhesive and use the stick or brush to spread it around at least half an inch on either side.
  7. Remove tape and leave the boots for 24 hours.

Rubber Boot Repair on the Go

Accidents happen and your rubber boots can crack or split while working or when you’re away from home. You should try carrying an adhesive patch kit with you so that you can repair your rubber boots and keep your feet dry. You should repair damages as soon as possible because moisture can damage the lining inside your rubber boots.

Things you’ll need:

  • Adhesive patch kit


  1. Clean and dry the area that needs fixing by following steps 1 and 2 in the first repair method
  2. Apply the glue over the crack and beyond the edges to prevent further cracking.
  3. Place the patch on top of the glue.
  4. Push the patch down firmly including the edges.
  5. Rub over the top of the patch with your finger to ensure a proper seal.
  6. Leave the patch to dry for 5-10 minutes and you’re done.

Repairing a Separated Sole

The sole separating from the upper of your rubber boots isn’t a frequent occurrence but it can happen. Thankfully, this does not mean the end of your rubber boots as it can be fixed. Some adhesives are specially formulated to complete this task, but if you can’t find any, Gorilla Super Glue Gel will do the job.

Things you’ll need:

  • Sandpaper
  • Gorilla Super Glue Gel
  • C-Clamp (optional)


  1. Clean the boots and remove any dirt.
  2. Dry the boots completely and make sure there’s no water or moisture
  3. You can sand and apply the glue to the entire area where the sole contacts the uppers.
  4. Firmly press the sole to the uppers and give the glue a few minutes to form a secure bond before letting go. You can also use a C-clamp to do this.

Professional Help

There may come a time when you’ll have to deal with a crack or puncture that’s beyond your capacity to repair. In these instances, it is best to get professional help and let the experts deal with it. Although it is a much more expensive option, it can prolong the life of your rubber boots and save you money from investing in a new pair.

How to Keep Rubber from Cracking

Boot Cleaning

Clean the exterior of your rubber boots after each use. You can use a sponge to sweep away debris, dirt, and mud. To remove tough mud or grime use a boot brush scraper and some dishwashing liquid. Rinse and leave to dry. Try not to get water inside of the rubber boot.


Conditioning the rubber on your rubber boots will extend their life. Condition your rubber boots every couple of months. If the rubber on your boots has dried out and become tough, use Rubber Renew to restore them.

Caring for the Inside of Rubber Boots

Rubber boots keep your feet dry but don’t allow them to breathe. This makes your feet sweaty and smelly. To tackle any foul odor, you can spray some white vinegar and the smell should be gone after a short period. You can also sprinkle some baking soda or Shoe Odor Eliminator in the shoes, leave them overnight and shake them out the next day. You can read this article on how to get mildew smell out of shoes for more tips.

To prevent moisture from destroying the inside of your rubber boots, try stuffing them with absorbent paper or a moisture-absorbing sachet.


How to Fix a Hole in my Rubber Boot?

To fix a hole in your rubber boot, you’ll need a rubber boot repair kit. Once you have that, you can follow the steps in the first method to fix the hole. Keep in mind that this only works for small holes. If the hole is big, then have a cobbler sew a piece of rubber on the hole.

How to Repair Leaking Muck Boots?

Repairing leaks in muck boots is simple and requires the use of a flexible silicone adhesive. These types of adhesives stay strong after they dry and even make the boots more water-resistant.

Can I use Gorilla Glue on Rain Boots?

Repairing boots with Gorilla Glue is a popular trend since this industrial-strength adhesive works on a variety of materials including rubber, vinyl, and leather.


Rubber boots are expensive, but they are necessary if you live or work in wet and rainy conditions. Rubber boots protect your feet and keep them dry. However, they can crack, develop holes, or the sole may separate from the uppers. Despite this, you don’t have to throw them out just yet.

Try to fix small cracks and holes by following the methods mentioned above. You should also follow the care instructions to prolong the life of your rubber boots.

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